Board Member Position Available
With the retirement of David Tait after many long years of service on the board, the Association is looking for volunteers to fill his position. Anyone interested in joining the board should contact the management company.
Street Resurfacing
Work has now been completed for the street resurfacing with the exception of a final seal coat that will be applied later in 2024 after the asphalt has completely cured. We will also be repainting all red and white curbs later in the year as well.
Pool Area Refurbishment
Work is well under way for the refurbishment of the 38-year-old pool deck concrete which had a considerable amount of cracking and lifting of the slabs which presented significant hazards for our residents. The pool and spa plaster was also scheduled for replacement along with all of the BBQ area counter which was all showing its age. There were also numerous water leaks discovered in the existing piping which have now been repaired which will lead to lower water bills. We look forward to the project being wrapped up in early April in time for warmer swimming weather.
Please Clean up After Your Dog:
Amazingly, our complex is still being plagued by individuals who are not picking up and properly disposing of their dogs' waste. Even with signs around the community politely asking people to do so; even with doggie waste bags available for free around the complex; even with trash dispensers provided for just that purpose - inconsiderate residents are still letting their dogs do their business and leaving it for others to clean up, or worse, to step in and then track it on the sidewalks, into their homes, etc.
Please use common courtesy and pick up after your dog. If you see anyone not doing this, please report it to the Property Management company. We will keep all such reports anonymous.