The Vista La Cuesta Homeowners' Board encourages residents to send in their comments, questions and complaints. We will make every effort to respond quickly. Messages must include the resident's name, address and return contact information to receive the proper response. All comments will be kept completely confidential.
Board meetings are held at 6:00 p.m., the third Wednesday of every month. The open session Homeowners Forum begins at 6:30 pm. Meetings are being held remotely and we welcome your attendance at the General Session Meeting commencing with Homeowner Forum at 6:30 PM. Call-in information will be provided on the agenda posted in the display case at the entry and on this web site prior to each scheduled meeting. Please respect all meeting rules as identified by the meeting moderator.
Comments can be emailed to the address shown below. Always include your name and address or we may be unable to respond to your message. Again - All comments to the Board or Property Management company will be kept completely confidential.
Comments can be mailed or phoned in to the Property Management company at the following address:
The Management Trust
15661 Red Hill Ave., Suite 201
Tustin, CA 92780
Attn: Amethyst Schy
Ph.: (714) 285-2626 x1229